Sept 18, 20249 min Read

AI vs Traditional Text to Speech: Key Differences Explained

Find the major differences between traditional and AI text-to-speech technologies, their strengths, limitations, and ideal use cases.

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Kaushal Choudhary

Senior Developer Advocate

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Text-to-Speech (TTS) represents a new paradigm of content consumption, enabling machines to read aloud the provided text. Text-to-Speech (TTS) with the advent of Artificial Intelligence also provides an additional layer of customization, such as modulation, tone adjustment, language, dialect and many more. TTS helps modern technology to become truly inclusive, thus reaching people who are visually impaired, dyslexic, pre-literate and other disabilities. It is also utilized in games, animations, and hands-free mobile device interactions.

To better understand TTS, A deep dive into the history and the technological advancement is imperative. Traditional TTS used speech synthesis programs, which contained complex hand-written rule-sets whereas AI based TTS use neural networks to synthesize speech with unprecedented speed. By the end of this article, you will understand the differences between traditional and AI-based TTS. This will provide a solid foundation for businesses to better utilize this technology. Businesses and industries can extend their reach to a much wider audience, previously inaccessible.

1 What is Traditional Text to Speech?

1.1 Overview of Traditional TTS Technology

The traditional TTS systems used speech synthesizer, a computer program that either concatenates pieces of sound or incorporate the model of the vocal tract and other human voice characters tics to create a synthetic output. Traditional TTS was composed of two parts: a front-end and a back-end. The front-end takes care of converting raw-text like symbols, numbers and abbreviations into equivalent written-out words.

This process is often called text normalization, pre-processing or tokenization. It also assigns phonetic transcriptions to each word, dividing the text into prosodic units, like phrases, clauses and sentences. This text-to-phonetic transcriptions or text-to-phoneme process was accomplished using either of the two methods. First and simplest being, dictionary-based approach, where a large dictionary containing all the words of language, along with their pronunciation is stored, but becomes cumbersome as the size grows. Second, using a rule-based approach where pronunciation rules are applied to words to determine their pronunciations based on their spellings. The back-end synthesizer then converts the symbolic linguistic representation into sound. There are two most widely used concatenative and formant synthesis. Concatenative, used to concatenate segments of recorded speech into the audio generation. Formant synthesis does not use human speech samples at runtime; instead, it generates speech using additive synthesis and an acoustic model by incorporating parameters such as fundamental frequency, voicing and noise levels.

1.2 Strengths of Traditional TTS

In traditional TTS which used Unit Selection Synthesis (sub-type of Concatenative Synthesis) provided the greatest naturalness, as it applied only a small amount of DSP (Digital Signal Processing). Domain-specific synthesis uses prerecorded words and phrases to create a complete set of utterances tailored to a particular domain, such as weather or transit schedule announcements.

Whereas, formant synthesis technique was extremely intelligible, even at very high speeds., avoiding acoustic glitches, which can be used to guide visually impaired users using a screen reader. Fomant synthesis based TTS was used in embedded systems, where memory and processor power is limited. Because formant-based systems have complete control of all aspects of the output speech, a wide variety of prosodies and intonations can be output, conveying not just questions and statements, but a variety of emotions and tones of voice.

1.3 Limitations of Traditional TTS

TTS using formant synthesis is intelligible and somewhat real-time but sonic-glitches and robotic-sounding nature made its commercial application decline. Also, Unit selection algorithms have been known to select segments from a place that results in less than ideal synthesis (e.g. minor words become unclear) even when a better choice exists in the database. And, domain specific synthesis using prerecorded words, are limited by the words and phrases in their databases, they are not general-purpose and can only synthesize the combinations of words and phrases with which they have been preprogrammed.

Rule-based systems use complex, rigid rule sets, leaving little to no room for flexibility. The basis of synthesis in these Systems, also renders the flexibility of speech generation to be non-existent.

Customization of these traditional systems is burdensome, with rewriting the complex rule-sets,adjusting the sound settings, and re-configuring the synthesis programs either in hardware or software.

2. What is AI-Powered Text-to-Speech?

2.1 Overview of AI-driven TTS

AI-driven Text-to-Speech (TTS) systems represent a significant advancement over traditional methods, leveraging deep learning models and natural language processing (NLP) to produce more natural and human-like speech. Unlike earlier systems that relied on concatenating pre-recorded sound units or applying rule-based models of speech production, AI-based TTS systems use multiple neural layers to capture the nuances of human speech, such as intonation, rhythm, and emotion. This results in synthetic voices that sound more authentic and expressive, enhancing user experience in applications like virtual assistants, audio-books, and customer service automation.

The key components include neural networks, machine learning, and large, diverse datasets. Neural networks, are trained on vast amounts of voice data to learn speech patterns, accents, and inflections. Large datasets, often composed of hundreds of hours of recorded speech, audio with transcriptions provide the foundation for training models that can generalize well to different contexts and languages.

TTS technologies include Google WaveNet, Amazon Polly, Microsoft's Neural TTS, Eleven Labs TTS and Waves AI-based TTS. Eleven Labs is known for its browser-based, AI-assisted text-to-speech software, which produces lifelike speech by synthesizing emotion and intonation. The company states its software is built to adjust the intonation and pacing of delivery based on the context of language input used. Waves with multilingual, real-time generation and capability to produce human-like natural-sounding speech, it stands out among competitors.

2.2 Strengths of AI-Powered TTS

AI-powered Text-to-Speech (TTS) systems excel in producing natural-sounding and expressive voices, making them stand out from traditional TTS technologies. These systems are capable of replicating human-like speech with more realistic intonation, rhythm, and emotional expression. As a result, the voices generated by AI-powered TTS feel more engaging and relatable, enhancing user experiences in applications such as virtual assistants, customer support, and audio-books. The ability to convey emotions also makes AI TTS highly effective for storytelling, entertainment, and other contexts where human-like interaction is essential.

Another major strength of AI-based TTS is its adaptability and customization. AI models allow developers to create custom voices tailored to specific brands or industries, offering personalized speech experiences. For instance, companies can design unique voices that align with their brand identity, improving customer engagement. Just like Waveswhich provides flexibility that is particularly valuable in industries like healthcare, education, and retail, where creating a distinctive, memorable voice can set a business apart and enhance user trust.

In addition, AI TTS systems are highly efficient in scaling across different languages, accents, and dialects. Thanks to machine learning, these systems can quickly learn new linguistic patterns, enabling rapid adaptation to different regions and customer bases. This scalability allows AI TTS technologies to be deployed globally, serving diverse audiences without the need for extensive manual adjustments, making them ideal for businesses that operate in multiple languages or require multilingual support.

2.3 Limitations of AI-Powered TTS

Despite the many advantages of AI-powered Text-to-Speech (TTS) systems, they also face certain limitations, one of the most prominent being high computational demand. AI TTS models require significant processing power and large amounts of data for training. The complexity of deep learning models, combined with the need for vast datasets to capture the nuances of human speech, makes these systems resource-intensive. This can pose challenges for smaller organizations or those with limited access to high-performance computing infrastructure.

Another critical limitation is the ethical concerns surrounding AI TTS, particularly regarding the misuse of voice cloning and deepfake technologies. The ability to replicate a person's voice with near-perfect accuracy raises potential risks, such as identity theft, fraud, or the creation of misleading content. These ethical issues necessitate strict regulations and responsible usage guidelines to prevent abuse while promoting transparency in the use of AI-generated voices.

Cost considerations also pose a barrier for many businesses.The initial setup, including model training and the infrastructure required to support AI TTS, can be expensive, especially for smaller companies or startups. While cloud-based solutions can alleviate some of the costs, the financial burden of implementing and maintaining AI TTS systems remains a concern for organizations with limited budgets, making it less accessible compared to traditional TTS solutions.

3. Key Differences Between Traditional and AI Text-to-Speech

3.1. Voice Quality and Naturalness

Traditional text-to-speech (TTS) systems typically generate speech that is robotic and lacks emotional depth, resulting in a monotonous delivery. In contrast, AI-driven TTS technology like Waves is proficient in producing voices that closely resemble human speech, effectively capturing emotions, incorporating pauses, and varying speech patterns, which leads to more dynamic and engaging audio outputs.

3.2. Flexibility and Customization

Traditional TTS solutions often face challenges in customization, limiting their ability to adapt voices for specific sectors or requirements. Conversely, AI TTS provides a wide array of customization features, allowing users to develop unique voices, modify tones, and accommodate numerous languages, thereby enhancing its applicability across diverse scenarios.

3.3. Performance and Scalability

Although traditional TTS systems are dependable, they lack the flexibility needed to adapt to evolving demands. In contrast, AI TTS systems are designed to learn and enhance their capabilities over time, offering scalability across various platforms and languages, making them suitable for businesses seeking long-term, adaptable solutions.

3.4. Cost and Resources

While traditional TTS systems may present lower initial costs, they can become costly in the long run due to the need for updates and modifications. AI TTS, although requiring a higher initial investment, tends to be more cost-effective for applications that require scalability and ongoing development.

3.5. Ethical and Security Considerations

Traditional TTS systems generally pose fewer risks of misuse due to their basic voice synthesis capabilities. In contrast, AI TTS raises significant ethical issues, such as voice impersonation, deepfake technology, and privacy concerns, which demand careful management and regulatory measures.

4. Choosing the Appropriate TTS Solution for Your Business

4.1. Industry-Specific Applications

In various established sectors, conventional text-to-speech (TTS) technology continues to be an effective option. For example, interactive voice response (IVR) systems and fundamental accessibility tools leverage the straightforwardness and dependability of traditional TTS, where intricate vocal nuances are not essential. Conversely, AI-enhanced TTS excels in innovative applications such as customer service chatbots, tailored voice assistants, entertainment, and e-learning, where the presence of natural-sounding and expressive voices is vital for engaging users. Platform likes Waves, can be used in e-learning where its flexible customization tool-set, would allow users to create a unique, soothing and speed adjusted voice for students with dyslexia, or visual impairments to hear the educational content with ease.

4.2. Factors to Consider

When selecting a TTS solution, organizations must evaluate multiple factors. Budget constraints and cost-effectiveness are crucial, as AI TTS typically necessitates a larger initial investment but offers greater scalability. Additionally, considerations such as the need for customized brand-specific voices, expectations regarding voice quality, scalability demands, and concerns related to security or ethical implications of voice cloning and potential misuse are essential in determining the most suitable solution.

The outlook for AI TTS is bright, with anticipated advancements in natural language comprehension and hyper-realistic voice synthesis that could make machine-generated voices nearly indistinguishable from human ones. Additionally, hybrid models that combine traditional and AI-driven approaches may emerge, offering a balance between cost-effectiveness, reliability, and sophisticated vocal capabilities. As AI-powered TTS continues to evolve, platforms like Waves are setting new benchmarks in real-time voice synthesis. With rapid advancements in natural language processing and voice quality, Waves showcases what’s possible for the future, offering an immersive, human-like interaction that traditional TTS systems cannot achieve. These innovations are poised to transform industries by delivering more lifelike and adaptable voice solutions.


The primary distinctions between traditional text-to-speech (TTS) technologies and those powered by artificial intelligence (AI) encompass aspects such as voice quality, adaptability, scalability, cost-effectiveness, and ethical implications. Traditional TTS systems deliver dependable and fundamental speech synthesis, making them suitable for well-established sectors such as accessibility tools. In contrast, AI-driven TTS provides enhanced naturalness, personalization, and flexibility, catering to contemporary applications such as virtual assistants and e-learning platforms. Although AI TTS entails greater computational requirements and presents ethical challenges, it holds significant long-term promise for organizations pursuing innovative voice technologies.

Final Considerations for Decision Makers

In choosing the appropriate TTS solution, organizations must evaluate their unique requirements, including budget constraints, scalability, customization needs, and expectations regarding voice quality. For sectors that emphasize the importance of natural and expressive vocalizations, AI-powered TTS may prove to be the superior option, whereas traditional TTS remains adequate for simpler applications.


1. How does traditional TTS differ from AI TTS in terms of implementation complexity?

Traditional TTS is simpler to implement but offers less flexibility, while AI TTS requires more resources and expertise to set up but provides superior voice quality and customization.

2. Can small businesses benefit from AI-powered TTS, or is it only for large companies?

Small businesses can benefit from AI TTS, especially through cloud-based services, though initial costs may be higher. Over time, AI TTS can provide better scalability and customization.

3. Are there any legal or ethical risks associated with using AI TTS?

Yes, AI TTS poses risks related to voice cloning, deepfakes, and privacy, making it important to ensure responsible use and compliance with legal standards.

4. What are the key industries that benefit most from AI-powered TTS?

Industries such as customer service, entertainment, education, and healthcare benefit most from AI TTS due to the need for natural, expressive, and adaptable voice interactions.

5. Is it possible to integrate AI TTS with existing traditional TTS systems?

Yes, hybrid solutions combining traditional and AI-powered TTS can provide a balance of reliability and advanced capabilities, offering businesses flexibility in their voice solutions.